Browsing: Ideas


Bitcoin can facilitate positive freedom by enabling individuals to retain value of their savings and feel more fulfilled.This is an opinion editorial by Logan Bolinger, a lawyer and the author of a free weekly newsletter about the intersection of Bitcoin, macroeconomics, geopolitics and law.“I’m more interested in asking the question, is the world that we

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Many of the failings we see in society today are a result of the values of fiat money being absorbed.When going through basic training for the Army, the cadre of drill sergeants and general leadership make it a point to effectively engrain values that I would argue are paramount to any (and all) mature adults…

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With the rise of Bitcoin’s network effects comes the equivalent demise in legacy finance’s network effects.Bitcoin’s price and ecosystem benefit from network effects.As more users join, demand pressure increases the price of bitcoin, which in turn attracts more buyers in a self-reinforcing cycle. Similarly, user growth creates a larger market with more liquidity, incentivizing businesses…

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The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, like Giordano Bruno, also challenged government-backed, violence-enforced dogma.The invention of Bitcoin comes after decades of hard work, persecution by the government and the relentless perseverance of the cypherpunks. Satoshi was humble enough to stand on the shoulders of cypherpunk giants and use many existing, first principle design parameters to help…

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