Browsing: China


The below is an excerpt from a recent edition of Bitcoin Magazine Pro, Bitcoin Magazine’s premium markets newsletter. To be among the first to receive these insights and other on-chain bitcoin market analysis straight to your inbox, subscribe now. Last week, I put the massive buying pressure coming to bitcoin in context, but there is

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Proposals to a United Nations group reportedly show China wants digital IDs and real-world punishments for actions that occur in the Metaverse. China is reportedly looking to implement a system akin to its social credit system in the metaverse and other online virtual worlds.POLITICO reported on Aug. 20 that state-owned telco China Mobile hasproposed a

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China’s central bank governor has revealed that transactions using the country’s central bank digital currency (CBDC) reached 1.8 trillion yuan ($250 billion) at the end of June. In addition, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) official stated that digital yuan in circulation amounted to 16.5 billion yuan. Latest Digital Yuan Stats People’s Bank of China

Read More$3m-cyberattack, the seventh-largest Bitcoin mining pool, said that its client fund services are unaffected by the recent $3 million cyberattack. Major cryptocurrency mining pool has suffered a cyberattack resulting in a significant loss of funds by the company and its experienced a cyberattack on Dec. 3, with attackers stealing around $700,000 in client

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Rumors of expanding war, massive inflation destroying people’s purchasing power, and widespread volatility in the world of fiat currencies shaped the news this past week, with similarly dynamic developments in the world of cryptocurrency. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says the “end is here” for fake money. This and more just below in

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Some of the key areas of blockchain development include manufacturing, energy, government data sharing and services, law enforcement, taxation, criminal trials, inspection, and cross-border finance. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced the commencement of an in-house effort to expedite blockchain development and innovation across 15 zones and 164 entities. The initiative aims for the large-scale…

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