Browsing: Trading


Eight individuals promoted deceptive demand for stocks via Twitter, Discord and YouTube to sell their shares at a high point. The United States Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a claim against eight individuals associated with Atlas Trading, a Discord-based forum. The forum’s co-founders, affiliated podcasters and Youtubers are being alleged of stock manipulation. The claim was filed

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A bill based on the proposed framework banning crypto investments could help to “restore the public’s faith and trust in their public officials,” according to Zoe Lofgren. Members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate as well as Supreme Court justices currently trading cryptocurrencies may have to stop HODLing while in office should

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At, we believe the future is mobile and that the crypto market, in particular, is uniquely suited for mobile trading.That’s why we’ve been quietly building the Exchange mobile app to give you access to the most advanced trading tools right in your pocket.Here are three reasons you should consider trading on the Exchange mobile app.1.

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