Browsing: Twitter


Eight individuals promoted deceptive demand for stocks via Twitter, Discord and YouTube to sell their shares at a high point. The United States Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a claim against eight individuals associated with Atlas Trading, a Discord-based forum. The forum’s co-founders, affiliated podcasters and Youtubers are being alleged of stock manipulation. The claim was filed

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Advisory firm Teneo argued that standard methods to contact the Three Arrows Capital founders have failed, and is now looking for other ways to subpoena them. Liquidators for Three Arrows capital (3AC) have asked a U.S. court to grant them permission to subpoena the embattled crypto hedge fund’s founders through “alternative means.”To this date, the whereabouts

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“We’ll be working to figure out what crypto can do for Twitter, as well as what Twitter can do for crypto,” said team lead Tess Rinearson. Social media giant Twitter is expanding further into the crypto space by setting up a team to look into decentralized applications, cryptocurrencies and blockchain.According to a Wednesday tweet, Interchain…

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