Browsing: Technical


Bitcoin light clients are now able to sync to the tip of the blockchain nearly instantly, thanks to a new development enabled by bitcoin startup ZeroSync and their work in zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. Ultimately, ZeroSync seeks to enable full nodes to do the same.ZK proofs allow a prover to generate a short mathematical statement that

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LDK Node, a new Lightning node library, has been announced, offering developers a simplified and ready-to-go solution for setting up a self-custodial Lightning node. Built using LDK and BDK, LDK Node provides a straightforward interface and an integrated on-chain wallet, allowing developers to quickly and easily establish a Lightning node within a day.Unlike its predecessor

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A Bitcoin VPN allows two or more parties to discover each other and be able to communicate privately over the public internet without trust.This is an opinion editorial by Moustafa Amin, a technology leader with more than 20 years of professional experience across large organizations, service providers and telephone companies.Bitcoin is undoubtedly the world’s newest…

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To actually solve the problem of receiving funds without having secured liquidity from someone else’s node requires protocol-level changes.This is an opinion editorial by Shinobi, a self-taught educator in the Bitcoin space and tech-oriented Bitcoin podcast host. Ignoring the problems of the Lightning Network and protocol stack seems to be a very popular thing to…

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