Browsing: Sanctions


Russia’s foreign minister says a flight from the U.S. dollar “is sure to accelerate,” emphasizing that “this trend is irreversible.” The official added: “The path of sanctions is the path to nowhere. Serious countries and sober-minded politicians are drawing relevant conclusions and these conclusions are definitely in favor of terminating dependence on the West.” Russian

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Russian President Vladimir Putin believes a new system for international money transfers is needed to reduce dependence on big banks and third parties. He is convinced that cross-border payments relying on digital currency and distributed ledger technology will be “much more convenient.” Russia’s Head of State Urges for Blockchain-Powered International Payments President of Russia Vladimir

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Like any aging empire, America is reacting to its competition. The United States’ move to sanction the open-source code that makes up the Tornado Cash privacy protocol may be shocking, but it’s not surprising. America has been tightening its grip over the global financial system for decades, ostensibly to cut down on bad behavior, but

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Brad Sherman said the Biden administration should have the ability to tell crypto exchanges not to do “business with Russia-based crypto wallets” amid the situation with Ukraine. Representative Brad Sherman will be introducing a bill in the House aimed at cracking down on U.S. businesses handling crypto transactions for Russian banks and individuals.Speaking at a…

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