Browsing: russian


The Russian government has legally recognized digital currencies issued by other nations, local crypto media reported. The respective legislative changes have been made alongside the adoption of a dedicated law regulating the introduction of Russia’s own digital ruble. Amendments Legalizing Foreign CBDCs Enter Into Force in Russia Russian authorities have granted digital currencies of other

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Law enforcement authorities in the United Arab Emirates have detained a top Finiko representative, sought for his role in the crypto Ponzi scheme which defrauded thousands of investors around the world. This is the second arrest in the Gulf state of a high-ranking member of the pyramid announced in the past month. Finiko Fraudster Caught

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Russian President Vladimir Putin believes a new system for international money transfers is needed to reduce dependence on big banks and third parties. He is convinced that cross-border payments relying on digital currency and distributed ledger technology will be “much more convenient.” Russia’s Head of State Urges for Blockchain-Powered International Payments President of Russia Vladimir

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Courts in Russia are hearing a growing number of cases around crypto assets, a new study has shown. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the country’s Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well. Criminal Cases Involving Cryptocurrency in Russia Near 1,000 in 2021 Lawsuits related to cryptocurrency,…

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