Browsing: Economics


Russia’s second-largest bank’s chairman has predicted the end of U.S. dollar dominance. He believes that the Chinese yuan will replace the U.S. dollar as the dominant currency. “I think that the time has come when China will gradually remove currency restrictions,” he noted, adding that “China understands that they will not become world economic power

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Russia’s foreign minister says a flight from the U.S. dollar “is sure to accelerate,” emphasizing that “this trend is irreversible.” The official added: “The path of sanctions is the path to nowhere. Serious countries and sober-minded politicians are drawing relevant conclusions and these conclusions are definitely in favor of terminating dependence on the West.” Russian

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The heuristics often described in behavioral economics offer insightful frameworks for understanding mainstream resistance to Bitcoin. This is an opinion editorial by Rich Feldman, a marketing executive, author and advisory board member at Western Connecticut University. Source: Created by the author using Behavioral economics has long been cited to describe our “irrational tendencies” as

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